Moonflower Institute

Expeditioner's Society and Home for the Misplaced

Mission Statement"To provide succor to those without a place to call their own, and for skilled individuals to excel beyond their limits."

What We Do

The Moonflower Institute is a casual Roleplay Free Company intended for players more focused on solo and casual play with an 'as you please' approach to group activities. Participation is greatly encouraged for larger events, but by no means mandatory if one is unable or not feeling up to it on any given day.Our Free Company has an open-ended story concept to allow for newer or unestablished members and characters to best find their fit. Many existing members are individuals from all over the spectrum, from all walks of life. An eccentric lot, to put it simply. There is a more relaxed, controlled chaos to our approach in both IC and OOC interactions, and while RP is encouraged, it's not necessarily required.Currently, our weekly group event is maps. Members run daily roulettes, Bozja, Eureka, Normal and Alliance Raids, and EX trials together, though this is more spur of the moment, as is Roleplaying presently.

Background and General Information

The Moonflower Institute is run by the eccentric alchemist, aetherologist, grand mage, and philanthropist Kaiser Umbra who built the Free Company from the ground up with a handful of founding members. He is a largely absent figure, often out making connections and working business deals to keep the place running. In his absence, the the day-to-day workings of the Company are handled by his second-in-command, Kerrich Clarke, and a handful of trusted officers who act as advisors and handlers. Kaiser is both the financier of all projects it undertakes, and the orchestrator of all work it handles with the help of Kerrich, both for himself and others in the Company. The Institute could be likened to the X-Men for simplicity's sake.On the surface, the Institute is a haven for handpicked individuals with distinctive quirks or 'gifts' that makes them exceptional in their chosen lines of work and research, and for those who have nowhere else to go or otherwise don't 'fit in' with those around them. This makes the roster of people within the Institute rather eclectic, but unified in their individuality toward common goals.

Under the hood, the Institute is run akin to a city-state, largely self-sufficient and tending to matters and members on it's own terms. It does occasionally take in outside work from other Companies or individuals if it suits the Institute's lines of expertise and needs, though Kaiser is also a man of whims, and whatever he decides he wants to do on any given day is the Insitutue's new goal.For roleplay, this Company is open to walk ups regarding business pertaining to research, retrieval/treasure hunting, reconnaissance, diplomatic matters, alchemical and medical assistance, things pertaining to Voidsent and the occult, mercenary/bounty work, and general japery. Even our most 'serious' characters enjoy random shenanigans and walkups when tagged.

Recruitment Status and Prerequisites

While the Institute is not actively recruiting at this time, we do still keep an eye out for those with extraordinary talent, researchers, entertainers, those with shady pasts, 'otherworldly' folk, and those who may not fit elsewhere. We accept applications, though we are rightfully selective and interviews are a must. Those who apply must:• Be 21+• Comfortable with random silliness and dark topics in equal measure in FC chat and the FC Discord, including but not limited to: coercion, non-consensual activity, drug use, torture, abuse and manipulation. While not visible to those outside of the Institute, we do have an undercurrent of shady business and otherwise dark themes that crop up from time to time, hence the age limit.• Sexual content, either in an RP sense or discussion in FC chat/Discord. You are always free to opt out/discuss particulars with other members at your discretion, but know that they may come up regardless in the course of discussion. (OOC Consent in ERP is always a must, and must be ongoing. If you are engaging in IC non-con, it must be discussed beforehand OOC and agreed guidelines set forth must be followed. If consent is revoked for any reason or the guidelines are breached and the activity continues, it is an automatic ban for the one who continued to push.)• We are seeking all kinds of roleplayers, with an emphasis on scholars/researchers/tinkerers and those who fill a 'unique' slot with their character. We do accept Voidsent and otherwise 'strange' concept characters that bend, but do not break lore. We're not lore-mongers, but we do try to adhere at least loosely to the world set by the game for cohesion and believability.

Leader, Notable Figures, and Affiliates

For those interested in seeking entry into the FC, this is a list of people and links to their Carrds that may be contacted for interviews and prompts for transitioning in. Also below is a link to our sister Free Company, the Dawn Vigil, who we plan to do future storylines and integration with.


Officers and Notables

Affiliate Free Companies